Kamala Harris is Weak, Failed, and Dangerously Liberal

Not only does Kamala Harris own the weakness, failure, and chaos of the Harris-Biden administration, she is so radical that she makes “the Squad” look like moderates. She wants to abolish our borders, let criminals control our streets, surrender our communities to cartels and a plague of fentanyl, wage war on American energy, and destroy the American Dream.

Kamala Harris's Dangerous Agenda

Border Czar Kamala Harris opened the southern border to illegal alien criminals and deadly fentanyl, and as vice president, was the tie-breaking vote for far-left spending bills that raised taxes and sent prices skyrocketing for families across the country. While Harris has tried to rewrite history on her extreme record, she can’t hide from her promises to set murderers free, dismantle America’s border security, raise costs with massive spending bills, bring back the Green New Deal Scam, eliminate private health insurance, and more. 

Kamala Harris supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, helping to bail out now-convicted murderers and violent criminals. One man freed by the bail fund went on to commit murder. She’ll bring the MFF’s policies to the White House.

Harris's Positions

Kamala Harris actively supports bailing violent criminals out of jail and allowing violent illegal aliens to roam our streets.

Case in point: Kamala Harris called on her supporters to “chip in” to the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

According to new reporting from CNN, that fund went on to bail out at least 65 people in a single county accused of “felony charges involving violence, physical threats or sex crimes. All were convicted.”

The MFF paid bail for looters arrested in the 2020 riots, for a twice-convicted rapist, a man accused of sexually assaulting an eight-year-old girl, a man accused of a vicious assault and robbery, a man charged with attacking a woman in a restaurant bathroom, and even several serial domestic abusers — among dozens of other criminals.

That makes sense considering Kamala Harris supports ending cash bail — even for violent criminals.

Record high gas prices under the Harris-Biden administration are the “price to pay for democracy.” Remember, Kamala proudly delivered the deciding vote that allowed the $1.9 trillion “stimulus” to be passed. Don’t listen to former Obama economist Jason Furman, who said the spending bill is “too big,” or former Obama and Clinton economist Larry Summers, who said the “tremendous wall of money” led to inflation, or former Obama economic advisor Steven Rattner, who called Kamala’s $1.9 trillion stimulus “the original sin” of inflation.

Harris's Positions

Harris was the deciding vote on the inflation-fueling $1.9 trillion “stimulus.” Harris owns this inflation, and everyone knows it.

Even liberal economists admit Harris's massive spending spree sent inflation soaring. 

Harris now claims her policies are “working” and wants to double down on the exact same agenda that will send prices even higher.

In Kamala’s America, the middle-class will need to pay more. Those are the Harris tax hikes!

Harris's Positions

Kamala Harris wants to eliminate the Trump tax cuts, which would mean a massive tax hike on middle-income families.
Harris was the deciding vote for the "Inflation Reduction Act," which decreased the "average after-tax income for taxpayers" at every income level. Americans earning less than $200,000/year saw their taxes rise by $16.7 billion in 2023.

Kamala Harris delivered on her promise to open our borders as border czar—just look at the 10 million who have crossed already, an all-time record! Now it’s time to abolish ICE, decriminalize illegal border crossings, give benefits to illegal aliens, and let them vote!

Harris's Positions

Kamala "Border Czar" Harris is responsible for the worst border crisis in U.S. history.

According to Harris, “the current administration’s immigration policies largely involve undoing the previous one’s work.” Unfortunately, she’s right, and it fueled the invasion.

The chaos we’ve seen though, may be intentional. Kamala Harris said illegal aliens "are not criminals,” and Harris opposed measures to increase border security and decrease illegal immigration.

Kamala Harris believes American energy is just plain awful. Thankfully, she knows other countries we can import it from. That’s why she wants to ban fossil fuels, ban fracking, end oil drilling, and export our energy supply chain to China. Her $100 trillion GND would do just that, in addition to ending all of those 2 million “dirty” energy jobs. They need to “transition” to new ones!

Harris's Positions

Harris bragged about delivering “the most ambitious climate agenda in history.” What does that really mean? Hurting our environment, national security, and economy by exporting our energy supply chain to Communist China.

During her campaign for president, Harris said “there’s no question, I’m in favor of banning fracking. She also touted an agreement to phase out fossil fuels, supported cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline, which killed 11,000 jobs, and Harris called the record-high gas prices seen under the Biden administration the “price to pay for democracy.”

Indeed, Harris’ commitment to killing American energy is not new. As senator, Kamala Harris cosponsored the radical $93 trillion Green New Deal with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which estimates show could kill up to 2 million jobs and cost an average family $165,000. In 2017, Harris sponsored legislation to ban offshore drilling.

On top of it all, she wants to ban practically everything, including expressing support for banning plastic straws and a national reduction in red meat consumption.

Kamala will continue her record from her time as a prosecutor, where San Francisco police officers said she was slow to prosecute numerous murder suspects and said she regularly offered favorable plea deals to resolve cases out of trial. 

Harris's Positions

Harris supports defunding the police. As even CNN reports, her record supporting defund the police is a long one. She said it is “outdated, it is wrongheaded thinking to think” that more police officers make communities safer, and Harris has repeatedly called to “reimagine” the role of police.

As senator, Harris praised L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti’s $150 million cut in police funding.

When given the opportunity, Harris failed to prosecute criminals to the fullest extent of the law.

  • As San Francisco DA, Harris chose not to seek the death penalty against the murderer of a Hispanic San Francisco police officer, or against an illegal immigrant MS-13 gang member who shot a father and his two sons. And police accused Harris of being slow to prosecute numerous murder suspects and said she regularly offered favorable plea deals to resolve cases out of trial.
    • In 2010, Harris’ DA office had to dismiss over 1,000 drug cases due to a scandal in the police crime lab, with Harris taking “full responsibility” for the failure.
    • Harris’ DA office granted probation to a violent criminal who then went on to murder two men while released.

To make matters worse, Harris said that we should have a “conversation” about whether terrorists like the Boston Marathon bomber should vote from prison.

Kamala Harris was proud to join the Defund The Police movement in 2020. She boldly said the protests “should not” let up and applauded then-L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti for defunding the LA Police.

Kamala Harris believes it’s terrible people have private health insurance, and that even if they like their plan, they shouldn’t get to keep it. Under Harris’s plan, all Americans would lose their health insurance in the name of fairness. That’s why she cosponsored a $32 trillion socialist health care takeover plan to make sure that everybody loses choice!

Harris's Positions

Harris supports abolishing private insurance. She even cosponsored Bernie Sanders’ $32 trillion socialist health care takeover bill.

When asked about her plan, and specifically on if people who like their plan could keep it, she said “let’s eliminate all of that."

To add insult to injury, while denying Americans insurance, she supports providing taxpayer-funded health insurance for illegal immigrants. Studies also show that her plan would also lead to as many as 50% of rural hospitals closing their doors.

Kamala believes it’s selfish that seniors want to ensure benefits only go to American citizens. They should pay for benefits for illegal aliens! Who cares if that destroys the program. Kamala believes illegal aliens should receive taxpayer-funded benefits, and while she’s at it, she wants to expand the government takeover even if it puts over 50% of rural hospitals out of business. Move to a city!

Harris's Positions

During the Harris-Biden administration seniors saw the largest ever Medicare Part B premium increase in 2022, jumping 14.5 percent

Democrats still have NO PLAN to protect Social Security and Medicare benefits — and that tells you all you need to know, especially since Harris wants to give benefits to tens of millions of illegal aliens, which would destroy the program entirely.